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August 26, 2020

In response to the current Coronavirus situation, we wanted to let you know about the steps that we are taking as a company to help limit the spread of the virus, and to protect you, our team members, and our community.

Based on the latest protocols and suggestions from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other health organizations, we have implemented the following procedures throughout the company:

  • We have advised all employees to stay home if they are sick, and to follow a regimented protocol through our Human Resources Department to communicate any health-related questions or concerns.

  • We’ve limited traffic through our buildings, allowing only screened visitors and essential workers to report to our physical office. And those employees who must report physically are trained on following CDC recommendations with regard to social distancing and related practices.

  • Technicians reporting to your home will wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) given the context of the situation. They will follow CDC recommendations regarding social distancing and hand hygiene.

  • As possible, equipment being placed or installed in a customer’s home have been wiped down with a disinfectant prior to entering the home.

  • We have trained our employees to wipe down all materials and installation tools with a disinfectant prior to customer visits, as possible. This includes wiping down of truck and touchpoint in vehicles and throughout our shop.

  • Employees are directed to wipe down with a disinfectant any surfaces with which they come into contact while in a customer’s home during every service call or installation.

  • To date and to the best of our knowledge, no employees have been in close contact with anyone that may have been exposed to the Coronavirus or tested positive for COVID-19.


We also ask that our customers inform us of anything we should know to protect our employees and the community at-large. Therefore, we are requesting that if you or anyone with whom you have close contact has reason to believe that you may have been exposed to the virus, please contact us as soon as possible. Based upon this information, we need to make an informed decision in order to protect other customers, our employees, and their families. We appreciate your cooperation with this request.


This is an ever-changing situation, but we remain committed to exceeding your expectations in our service both in quality workmanship and clear, consistent communication. As additional information becomes available, we will update these procedures as necessary to protect the safety of our customers, our team members, and our community. 



DISCLAIMER: This article is provided as a reference guide only. A qualified, professional contractor like the Tuckey Companies should handle all interior design, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, remodeling, metal fabrication, and restoration projects. Information presented here is of a general nature that may not be applicable in all situations. Tips, articles, and accompanying information do not represent an official recommendation of the Tuckey Companies.

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